The interest of supply chain logistics management

From the point of view of core enterprises to organize logistics, it does not mean completely to abandon the interests of non-core enterprises. On the contrary, in order to obtain the cooperation of non-core enterprises, we must take into account their interests. On the one hand, the maximization of the interests of the core enterprises itself will maximize the interests of the non-core enterprises. For example, the expansion of the market share of the cars produced by the automobile assembly plants means that the parts factories need more parts and the distribution companies have more sales revenue. In this way, the benefits to upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises are naturally maximized. On the other hand, when organizing the supply chain logistics scheme, we encounter specific problems and stand at the core of the enterprise. At the same time, it is feasible to meet the interests of non-core enterprises as much as possible without affecting the overall situation.


Combining the characteristics of supply chain to organize logistics is not only the advantage of supply chain logistics management, but also the constraint condition of supply chain logistics management. It is an advantage because it can make logistics optimize the processing in a larger range and optimize the allocation of resources in a larger range, so it can achieve greater savings and improve efficiency; it is a constraint, because it needs to comprehensively consider more factors and need more information support and optimization operations in the organization of logistics activities. Therefore, the workload of logistics design planning is greater and more difficult.